Arесасеае Palmae


The Chamaerops fan palm is part of the Areca family. The height of such a multi-stemmed tree in natural conditions can reach up to 6 m. However, in room culture, the bush is usually no more than 150-200 cm in height. The form of the impressive leaf plates is fan-shaped, and their petioles can be up to 100 cm long.

The surface of the trunk is covered with brown characteristic fibers. Yellow two- or one-sex flowers are of no ornamental value. The berry-like fruits may be yellow or orange. The fibers of the leaf plates are used to make sacks, mats and ropes. The plant is native to southern France as well as the Mediterranean. Under natural conditions it forms hardy thorny thickets.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention