Clivia miniata


The beautiful flowering plant Clivia is a multi-flowered plant and belongs to the Amaryllis family. In the wild, the plant is widespread in the subtropical part of South Africa. In regions where the climate is temperate, the flower is cultivated at home and in greenhouses. In such conditions clivia has an average growth rate: during the year up to six to eight leaf plates are formed.

If the flower is well cared for, then its life span can be up to 40 years. During this time the flower will transform from a small bush of about 0.45 m in height to a large mossy plant. The shrub blooms in the last days of February. Over a period of 30 days it will open up one after the other into showy, bell-shaped flowers. The shrub looks its best when in full bloom, but is attractive at any time. Its long and broad leaf plates grow in a dense fan and form a false stalk at the same time.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • How to take care of flowers
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention