Hoya Bella


The hoya flower is a member of the pinniped family. This plant is native to China, it can also be found in India, Australia. Because of its sprawling shoots and textured leaves – this plant is called in everyday life – wax ivy.

Hoya beautiful or Hoya bella is a small branching shrub with dangling shoots. The leaf is small and only three centimeters long. The flower stems are waxy and white and gathered in an umbrella that consists of 8-12 pieces. It smells very pleasant and blooms abundantly in the summertime.

The houseplant hoia is an evergreen climbing liana, capable of spreading its thin shoots up to six meters. The leaves are usually dark green, there are mottled forms. The main difference from other species is the peculiarity of the leaf shape. They are flattened and more oblong, lighter colored. Inflorescences are similar to other species of hoya, the flower stems are gathered in bunches. The flower itself is in the form of a star, the standard color is white and cream with a crimson middle. If the plant is well developed, the flowering will be exuberant and abundant. After the hoia blooms – you should not cut flower stalks. Because the re-blooming – occurs on these shoots. During flowering – it is not recommended to move the plant, otherwise the flower stalks may fall off. This room plant is grown as an ampelous plant, it is necessary to provide good supports or grow in hanging cachet.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • How to take care of flowers
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention