Japanese Camellia


The genus camellia is directly related to the tea family. This genus includes about 80 species of different plants. In nature, it is found in tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast and East Asia, in Korea, the Phillipines and Java. Java, Japan, and the Indochinese Peninsula.

This genus is represented by rather compact evergreen shrubs as well as trees. The simple glossy leaves, elliptical or ovate in shape, are leathery to the touch. Leaflets are also found with pointed or obtuse tips and they grow singly or in groups of 2 or 3. The flowers have many stamens and can be colored pink, red or white, but there are also mottled forms.

There are very ornamental species that have very spectacular both florets and foliage. Camellia in domestic conditions with good care grows, develops and flowers within the norm, and it can also bear fruit. Newcomers to floriculture is often made in growing camellia a number of errors in care, for example, the plant is: not enough light, too hot, not enough moisture or for his planting picked up the wrong soil mixture. And this can lead to the death of the flower.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • How to take care of flowers
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention